BeHydro 6DZD H2 genset

BeHydro 6DZD H2 genset
Leistungsbereich (kWe) bei 50 Hz
Bis zu 950 kWe (Dauerleistung)
Leistungsbereich (kVA) bei 50 Hz
Bis zu 1188 kVA (Dauerleistung)
Leistungsbereich (kWe) bei 60 Hz
Bis zu 855 kWe (Dauerleistung)
Leistungsbereich (kVA) bei 60 Hz
Bis zu 1069 kVA (Dauerleistung)
Nenndrehzahl des Motors
Max. 1000 U/Min.
256 mm
310 mm
Rechts- oder Linkslauf
Direkteinspritzung (Bio)Diesel, HVO / Indirekte Einspritzung (H2)
Axialturbine, Radialverdichter
IMO Tier II, IMO Tier III in Kombination mit ABC-Nachbehandlungssystem, CCNR 2, EU Stage V
Flexibilität beim Kraftstoff
Bis zu 85% Wasserstoff und 15% (Bio)Diesel/HVO oder 100% (Bio)Diesel/HVO


With BeHydro dual-fuel engines, ABC offers a state-of-the-art, user-friendly solution for companies that want to reduce their carbon footprint to an absolute minimum. The BeHydro engines are sustainable, ready-to-use, widely deployable, and allow our customers to respond to the energy transition today.

The BeHydro dual-fuel engines are developed for heavy-duty applications and offer exceptional flexibility. They can operate on up to 85% hydrogen gas and 15% (bio)diesel/HVO, making the owner or operator less dependent on fossil fuels.

These hydrogen dual-fuel engines are available with options of 6 or 8 cylinders in line and 12 or 16 cylinders in V. They cover a power range from 855 kWe (1,069 kVA) up to 2,537 kWe (3,171 kVA) when combined with an alternator, providing a reliable and environmentally friendly source of energy for ships, drilling rigs, or other marine applications.

With BeHydro dual-fuel engines, CO2 emissions are reduced by up to 85%! In combination with an after-treatment system (EATS), there are also no harmful emissions. The remaining soot particles and nitrogen gases (NOx) are removed by a particulate filter and SCR system so that the latest and strictest emission standards worldwide are easily achieved.

Taking into account that these medium-speed engines can run on up to 85% hydrogen as well as 100% (bio)diesel/HVO, they offer a solution when hydrogen is not available. Switching to conventional fuel is automatic and effortless, ensuring easy operation of the propulsion system and maximized uptime of the vessel.

The engines have a long life thanks to an optimized air/gas mixture that causes components to heat up less quickly. They also have no problems with slight impurities in the hydrogen and do not use scarce raw materials such as lithium, zinc, cobalt, platinum, rare earths, etc.

The BeHydro dual-fuel hydrogen engines use proven technology, have been extensively tested, and are certified. They are designed to ensure long-term and efficient operation.

For more information about our products and services, call +32 (0) 9 267 00 00 or fill in our contact form.


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